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Obsidian Spotlight: John Andreadakis


John Andreadakis was born and raised in Towson, Maryland. He is the middle child, between two sisters (explains a lot). John went to Dickinson College for his bachelors and University of Maryland, Global Campus for his masters. John has also been certified Project Management Professional (PMP) since 2012. He lives in Annandale, VA with his wife, Becca, their two children, Bella and Trey, and their english bulldog, Moose.


In his spare time, John enjoys traveling, bourbon, and yelling at the referees at his kids’ soccer games.

  1. What is your role at Obsidian? How long have you been here?

I am a Vice President of business development at Obsidian, covering activities for our FAA portfolio. I have been with the company 5 months.


  1. What has been one of your proudest moments while working with Obsidian?

One of my proudest moments at Obsidian was shortly after I started and we went shopping at TJ Maxx to buy Christmas gifts for less fortunate families with Catholic Charities.  The outpour of selfless giving by Obsidian made me very proud to be part of such an outstanding organization that would dedicate time and funding to those less fortunate.


  1. What's one thing you learned last year?

Sometimes life does not always go the way you planned. Get up, dust yourself off, and get back on the horse.


  1. What is the last book you read? Would you recommend it?

“Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs”, by Luis Elizondo. It is a personal account of the recently de-classified UFO programs within the Pentagon. Highly recommend.


  1. If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Being in business development, I would want to be a Jedi. I would use my Jedi Mind Trick on Source Selection Officials. waves hand “You WILL give Obsidian the contract.”



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